What is
autism spectrum disorder?
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD), refers to a broad range of conditions. This can be characterized by challenges with speech, language, social skills, and all areas of overall development. Children with ASD can display varying degrees of symptoms, which means your child could fall anywhere along the spectrum. The ways in which children with ASD learn, think and progress, can range from child to child. Each individual with autism is unique in their needs, abilities and services they require to fully engage with the world around them.
Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
At Bright Start Therapies, we will work together with families to create an individualized program specific for your child’s unique strengths and challenges. Our goal is to listen and incorporate your family’s needs and concerns into the care of your child. We collaborate with all professionals working with your child to ensure we are all working as a team. We use a multimodal approach in therapy utilizing the latest programs available. We have been working with children with ASD for over 18 years. We have well trained Speech-Language Pathologists and Occupational Therapists who have the knowledge and experience to provide the highest quality of care your child deserves.

How Does Speech Therapy Help?
Speech therapy for children with ASD can focus on many potential areas of speech and language including:
- Non-verbal communication including Picture Exchange Communication Systems(PECS) and various forms of Augmented and Alternative Communication (AAC).
- Reading and understanding body language
- Figurative Language (idioms, multiple meaning words)
- Social-Pragmatic skills
- Conversation skills (asking and answering questions, initiating conversations, maintaining conversations, staying on topic)
- Joint attention skills
- Perspective taking
- Concept skills and comprehension of language
- Grammar skills
- Being flexible, compromising and negotiating with peers
- Expected / unexpected behaviors
- Fine motor skills (holding objects, cutting, writing)
- Functional skills within daily routines
- Gross motor skills (walking, climbing, balance)
- Play skills and social participation
- Visual skills
- Self-help skills (dressing, eating, bathing, self-care)
- Body awareness
- Sensory Integration and ability to regulate sensory input
- Transitions between activities and tasks
- Safety skills
- Self-feeding and increasing food variety for picky eaters

Early Intervention is Important for A child with ASD
Early Intervention gives a child the best start possible to learn and grow. A young child’s brain has ‘plasticity”, which means the brain is able to change, grow and adapt as a result of experiences. The process of developing and building connections in the brain at an early age through positive experiences is important. The earlier we develop these appropriate learning experiences for a child, the stronger those behaviors and skills will be. The brain has more ‘plasticity’ in early years; therefore, it has the ability to develop new pathways that are functional and helpful for the child.
- Limited babbling, or variation within babbling
- Delayed language development
- Loss of previously acquired words
- Limited eye contact
- Lack of gesturing or pointing
- Absence of joint attention
- No response to hearing their name
- Not displaying appropriate facial expressions
- Responding to other people's facial expressions
- Preference for to play alone
- Disliking change and wanting order and routine
- Playing with one toy or obsessing over part of a toy
- Persistent repetition of words or phrases (echolalia)
- Restricted interests
- Repetitive behaviors (flapping, rocking, spinning, etc.)
- Unusual and intense reactions to sounds, smells, tastes, textures, or light

Resources for Autism Spectrum Disorders
Autism Web Sources
Autism Books
- Ten Things Every Child With Autism Wishes You Knew - by: Ellen Notbohm
- Uniquely Human: A Different Way of Seeing Autism - by: Barry M. Prizant PhD
- Turn Autism Around - by: Mary Lynch Barbera
- Overcoming Autism: Finding Answers, Strategies, and Hope that Can Transform a Child’s Life - by: Lynn Kern Koegel PhD, Clair LaZwbnik
- Differently Wired: Raising an Exceptional Child in a Conventional Worldy - by: Deborah Reber
Autism Youtube
Autism Apps
- Language therapy for Kids
- ABC Autismo
- iCreate…Social Skills Stories
- Speech Blurbs 2
- Choiceworks Calendar